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The excitement of finding the home you love is undeniable. It’s easy to get swept up in your emotions when you see the perfect house that checks every box on your list. You’re ready to close the deal as quickly as possible — but not so fast. It’s important to not forget one of the crucial steps in the homebuying process – the home inspection.

What is Home Inspection?

A home inspection is like bringing your car to a mechanic. It will show you areas in the house that are past their prime so you are aware of any significant defects and possible costly repairs in the future.

A home inspection is basically a visual examination and objective assessment of all the physical structure, systems and functional aspects of the house by a certified home inspector. The home inspector will determine whether or not the house is safe. Essentially, the home inspector’s job is to examine and take note of the house’s current condition, including safety and repair concerns.

A standard home inspection report will cover the following:

  1. Operational status of all major systems – plumbing, electrical, heating, and cooling.
  2. Condition of the foundation, roof, attic, basement, visible insulation, walls, ceilings, floors, windows, doors and the home’s exterior.

How does Home Inspection Works?

There are two types of home inspections – 

1. A buyer’s inspection – happens after the buyer has made an offer on the home and before closing the sale.

2. A seller’s inspection – or pre-listing inspection happens before the home is listed so they can fix any potential issues beforehand and save time in the closing process.

How Much Does A Home Inspection Cost?

The home inspection cost typically ranges from $279 – $399, with the national average around $338. In Houston, home inspection average cost is $340, but still varies depending on the size and type of the home. The homebuyer, in nearly all cases, pays for the home inspection. Sellers, on the other hand, can hire a certified home inspector before listing the property.

Generally, a single-family home inspection takes 2-4 hours to complete and the inspection report may take 24-48 hours, or up to a week. After a home inspection, the home buyer may be able to use the report to negotiate their offer or request repairs to the seller depending on what comes up in the report.

Home inspectors will go through every inch of the house, interior and exterior, to record any potential safety issue. Specifically, they look for:

  • Structural integrity issues
  • Old / damaged roof
  • Insect and Pest Infestation
  • Damaged Electrical System
  • Water damage
  • Plumbing problems
  • HVAC System issues

No home is perfect and you can’t judge a home by its facade. A home inspection will ensure that everything you see and don’t see won’t develop major problems in the future.

What if the market is competitive… is it really worth getting a home inspection report done prior to buying a home?  Yes. Every buyer deserves an unbiased documentation of the home’s condition.

Why Should You Get a Home Inspection

A home is big investment and with so much on the line, you need to know what you’re getting into. While home inspection is not always a requirement, some mortgage or lenders may require a home inspection. But whether or not a home inspection is required, it’s always in your best interest to have a home inspection conducted before buying a house.

Here’s why you shouldn’t skip home inspection…

  1. Detect any potential foundation or structural issues.
  2. Find any possible safety issues – mold, blocked chimney, or poorly-installed appliances.
  3. Determine and save money from future maintenance costs.
  4. Valuable tool for price negotiations.
  5. Peace of mind after knowing the true condition of the house.

Hopefully, the above straightforward reasons will give you enough persuasion on having a home inspection done.

The bottom line is to know what you’re buying. The goal of the home inspection is make the home buyers understand their prospective home, so they can make an informed decision as they proceed with the homebuying process.

Home inspection is a critical piece of the home buying process. Speak to an APEX realtor if you’d like to know more about how home inspection works and how it could affect your home sale or home buying journey.

Need help to get you started in buying a Houston home? If you have questions about the homebuying process in Houston, don’t hesitate to reach out to us! We’re happy to be your Houston Real Estate companion.

About ApexPro Real Estate

ApexPro Real Estate Group is a full-service real estate brokerage specializing in single family and attached residential properties throughout Houston and the surrounding areas. We are a privately-held small business that brings together top agents, cutting-edge technology, and unparalleled service to help clients throughout Houston to buy and sell real estate — and enjoy themselves every step along the way. Our client reviews are exhibits our dedication to help our clients extends beyond the closing table and we would love to earn your business.